Nesbitt was in an car accident but she found out a career. By watching the professional work on her ruptured spleen and broken ribs.
She always wanted to work in a medicine field like me. Those days
at the intensive care unit, she was listening to the doctors talk to each other use abbrevations.
So she learn more about it when was all healed up. Went to school for almost a year, now she gots the job she enjoys doing. Her job skills are to concentrate, typing fast and figuring out the abb. term.
What she does is type out medical records that the doctor says.
I think her job is pretty hard, i would do something more fun. Like be a doctor!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
tHIS ARtcILe was ABOUT GIVING giFts Out To there CoWOrker or Someone WHo works In THe SAmE CompAnie AS YOu, SOme of THE oDD THIngs THAT YOu hEARd of giVIng TO A collEAgue.....Sea monkeys, a wild turkey, a goat, a ife jacket, frozen potatoes, a stained potholder, and a cartoon of cigarttes-for a nonsmoker.
What ARe Some Of The oDD thiNGs Would YOU GIve OUT AS A Gift IF I were YOUr c0WORker??????????
What ARe Some Of The oDD thiNGs Would YOU GIve OUT AS A Gift IF I were YOUr c0WORker??????????
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Where Do I Go With Speech and Debate?
Goverment Acting
These are the degrees you would need, If you want to be an actor you need
bachelor's degree, and master's degree a high school diploma, associate,
just to debate for what you think is and bachelor's degree. You got to
right. Present yourself in confidence to do
a good job.
Theres also
Sales, Broadcasting, Law, Speechwriting, Counseling, Library, Public Relations,
and Corporate Trainer.
These most of the career jobs that require getting these types of degrees,
High school diploma, associate degree, bachelor's degree, masters degree,
and Doctoral Degree.
These are the degrees you would need, If you want to be an actor you need
bachelor's degree, and master's degree a high school diploma, associate,
just to debate for what you think is and bachelor's degree. You got to
right. Present yourself in confidence to do
a good job.
Theres also
Sales, Broadcasting, Law, Speechwriting, Counseling, Library, Public Relations,
and Corporate Trainer.
These most of the career jobs that require getting these types of degrees,
High school diploma, associate degree, bachelor's degree, masters degree,
and Doctoral Degree.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Setting Her Sites
Robin Liss
Is a recent graduate, who didnt have to go
throught interviews to get her job.
She already had a job in highschool and college year. She was a
cheif executive officer of her own company.
When she was only 12 she started making web pages.
She is the only kid in the company. Now she
has a magzine to talk about computer for the
consumers imformation.
Is a recent graduate, who didnt have to go
throught interviews to get her job.
She already had a job in highschool and college year. She was a
cheif executive officer of her own company.
When she was only 12 she started making web pages.
She is the only kid in the company. Now she
has a magzine to talk about computer for the
consumers imformation.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Working on the railroad!!!
On the job
Sharon carlquist is a conductor for metro-north railroad, on sept 11th when they heard that jetliners just flew into the world trade center they help many of the survivers around that area to escaspe the terror. There was nurse and doctors on the train to help many injured people.
Her job is to make sure the people who ride the train are comfortable and safety. What a conductor job is to make sure the train is working properly and that everyone pays there fares. She also has to collect there tickets, and answer the consumers questions. A conductor also helps the passageners with there bags.
Some of the skills you need to get this kinda kob is math skills, working with money, people skills, electricians, and air-conditioning technicians.
Did you know that railroads pay 90 percent of health care, and other jobs pay 75 percent.
And you get pay well.
Sharon carlquist is a conductor for metro-north railroad, on sept 11th when they heard that jetliners just flew into the world trade center they help many of the survivers around that area to escaspe the terror. There was nurse and doctors on the train to help many injured people.
Her job is to make sure the people who ride the train are comfortable and safety. What a conductor job is to make sure the train is working properly and that everyone pays there fares. She also has to collect there tickets, and answer the consumers questions. A conductor also helps the passageners with there bags.
Some of the skills you need to get this kinda kob is math skills, working with money, people skills, electricians, and air-conditioning technicians.
Did you know that railroads pay 90 percent of health care, and other jobs pay 75 percent.
And you get pay well.
Monday, October 15, 2007
theres this dude he takes his college course at home
he says its students like him work more harder then any other student,
hes studing art
All he needs is a computer and internet access
to do this.
These are two thingd that take place:
*Synchrononus classes-which a time when the student has to log on the computer, so the teacher could teach them somrthing.
*Asynchronous-This when student could log on anythine to turn in assignments or test.
theres this dude he takes his college course at home
he says its students like him work more harder then any other student,
hes studing art
All he needs is a computer and internet access
to do this.
These are two thingd that take place:
*Synchrononus classes-which a time when the student has to log on the computer, so the teacher could teach them somrthing.
*Asynchronous-This when student could log on anythine to turn in assignments or test.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Yeah, this is the last posting i have to do in one more week.
This article was about Jacqueline working from home online. She work from
a laptop, cell phone, blackberry.
She is a sales manager who work with client around the time zone, at home.
The number of people asked to get more money in there paycheck so they
for the traffic they get on the way to work
or the gas they use up.
They companies decide to let them work at home for a day, and notice that it
People who are in business should work from home, but it not for everyone.
Some people can't stand be at home all day doing work they like to talk to other workers.
And some people like parnets like to stay home because they have kids, so they work at home.
Yeah, this is the last posting i have to do in one more week.
This article was about Jacqueline working from home online. She work from
a laptop, cell phone, blackberry.
She is a sales manager who work with client around the time zone, at home.
The number of people asked to get more money in there paycheck so they
for the traffic they get on the way to work
or the gas they use up.
They companies decide to let them work at home for a day, and notice that it
People who are in business should work from home, but it not for everyone.
Some people can't stand be at home all day doing work they like to talk to other workers.
And some people like parnets like to stay home because they have kids, so they work at home.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Building Pages
A associate producer name Alison tells about her career. Everyday she updates
news, gossip on a website called the
What she does almost another day is renew all the quizzes, epsiodes, characters, banners, design on photoshop and flash. Also checks out things from other website users.
Her job is preety much alot of work to think about it she got she to go to meeting with
other producers.
Then there deadlines when certain things have to be done.
But if you reall enjoy doing that like alison it
would be easy for you to do your job.
news, gossip on a website called the
What she does almost another day is renew all the quizzes, epsiodes, characters, banners, design on photoshop and flash. Also checks out things from other website users.
Her job is preety much alot of work to think about it she got she to go to meeting with
other producers.
Then there deadlines when certain things have to be done.
But if you reall enjoy doing that like alison it
would be easy for you to do your job.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Crime Stoppers Needed!
Protect: The Digital Frontier.
Theres this guy named Thomas Murray who commited a crime
that put im in prison for 4 years to 6 years.
His crime was attacking websites, and selling website to people and taking
there money.
But the FBI soon caught him, it was easy they just pretend to be a
customer and arrested him for the crime.
Also some guy who was working for the chinese goverment
was trying to steal some top secert data from the United States,
but we caught him, now his in prison, too.
America needs people to help protect these knida of threats from
happening to us.
Before we have a Web War.
Theres this guy named Thomas Murray who commited a crime
that put im in prison for 4 years to 6 years.
His crime was attacking websites, and selling website to people and taking
there money.
But the FBI soon caught him, it was easy they just pretend to be a
customer and arrested him for the crime.
Also some guy who was working for the chinese goverment
was trying to steal some top secert data from the United States,
but we caught him, now his in prison, too.
America needs people to help protect these knida of threats from
happening to us.
Before we have a Web War.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Working Net!!
Linking my space !!
A guy who plays in a band uses the internet to commuicate with others,
like people he could play for and get payed
He plays more of a jazzy music, yuck.
DOnt like jazzy. Anyway he goes on myspace and send infromation out to he's
contacts out in other states.
Not only Mr. Malcolm could do that, mostly everyone connects througth myspace.
Other ways to connect with you buddies are using the blog, also!
Monday, October 1, 2007
The IT.......
This article say that
Imformation technology was exported oversea in the late 1990's. A
few people know that there's some job like IT in american, not just
in China and India.
Eric Roberts say that" developing the talent pool needs to be
national piroity if United States is remain competitive in high
Yeah, so uhh not that much people who apply for computer
science in America. So if you are interested go to
This article say that
Imformation technology was exported oversea in the late 1990's. A
few people know that there's some job like IT in american, not just
in China and India.
Eric Roberts say that" developing the talent pool needs to be
national piroity if United States is remain competitive in high
Yeah, so uhh not that much people who apply for computer
science in America. So if you are interested go to
Friday, September 28, 2007
Lights Camera ACtion
This article is about Video Resumes
It tell us that you could film your our interview an send it to your college. There are rules for these kind of things like you can't make the video likeyou make it for your friends it still has to be professional.
The next rule is they give you three minutes to make you quick interview.
Yeah you still got to be polite and give them a smile. Also, you got to remember that your showing your face ina interview.
It tell us that you could film your our interview an send it to your college. There are rules for these kind of things like you can't make the video likeyou make it for your friends it still has to be professional.
The next rule is they give you three minutes to make you quick interview.
Yeah you still got to be polite and give them a smile. Also, you got to remember that your showing your face ina interview.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Mapping out your future.....
Hot Career??
I think this article wasn't too interesting.
It talkings about people having a job to make maps using hi-tech equipment. These equipment make that cartographer's job more easier. Without these gagets there would do so well making a map. No body would wnat to work with out the hi-technology.
There job have t be accurate, it can't be guess.
First they get pictures from the satellite and then use computers to update the other maps.
They work with alot of computers to get the jobs done.
Some of them work outside measuring and takin photos.
And they say it the hot career choice for the 21st century.
I think this article wasn't too interesting.
It talkings about people having a job to make maps using hi-tech equipment. These equipment make that cartographer's job more easier. Without these gagets there would do so well making a map. No body would wnat to work with out the hi-technology.
There job have t be accurate, it can't be guess.
First they get pictures from the satellite and then use computers to update the other maps.
They work with alot of computers to get the jobs done.
Some of them work outside measuring and takin photos.
And they say it the hot career choice for the 21st century.
Making the Grade!!!!!!!!!
Fifth Grade teacher.
A guy named Zebulun Dinkin became a teacher, his on his third year at Welcome Elementary.
He always want to be a teacher since Junior Highschool. He got alot of positive encouragement to become a teacher, that when his decided he want to became a teacher.
The year went by fast and soon he was teaching his first class, it was like overwhelming. He's first year was hard to get to know how to work things and relying on his training helped.
Then he had this great idea to make work fun by raping out music. It become a music video in his mind. After all that happiness was gone.
I happiness fade away when he had to rade there assignment. Given out grades was the awful part of his job.
A guy named Zebulun Dinkin became a teacher, his on his third year at Welcome Elementary.
He always want to be a teacher since Junior Highschool. He got alot of positive encouragement to become a teacher, that when his decided he want to became a teacher.
The year went by fast and soon he was teaching his first class, it was like overwhelming. He's first year was hard to get to know how to work things and relying on his training helped.
Then he had this great idea to make work fun by raping out music. It become a music video in his mind. After all that happiness was gone.
I happiness fade away when he had to rade there assignment. Given out grades was the awful part of his job.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Creative? You? Yes!
Boost your creative mind.
Some people are creative when they drink coffee or a red bull.
Thats me sometimes, when im on the top of the world with a red bull in my hand.
Ideas just start popping in my brain like a popcorn popper.
Your mind just get excited for you try it.
You can almost feel your mind controling your body.
Its a good feeling to go get yourself in the mood
get your work done everyday. Maybe then you can find your true talent if not you could try hang out with creative person.
Get to the bottom of what makes them creative and some of it might get you going.
its all chemistry.
Some people are creative when they drink coffee or a red bull.
Thats me sometimes, when im on the top of the world with a red bull in my hand.
Ideas just start popping in my brain like a popcorn popper.
Your mind just get excited for you try it.
You can almost feel your mind controling your body.
Its a good feeling to go get yourself in the mood
get your work done everyday. Maybe then you can find your true talent if not you could try hang out with creative person.
Get to the bottom of what makes them creative and some of it might get you going.
its all chemistry.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Interview Article
This article is about job interviews!! This generation some employers are going further with there interview. They surprise the person who is getting interview by saying your interview is doing the job!! Either four to five employers are watching and asking that person question at the same time!! There interviewing on Stress, Behavioral/ Situational Interviews and Working!!
This article is about job interviews!! This generation some employers are going further with there interview. They surprise the person who is getting interview by saying your interview is doing the job!! Either four to five employers are watching and asking that person question at the same time!! There interviewing on Stress, Behavioral/ Situational Interviews and Working!!
If a Scorpio and a Sagittarius want to make a love match, they should be warned to slow down, take their time getting to know one another on a deep, significant level or else they run the risk of getting way ahead of themselves. This relationship could be over before either partner even realizes it's started if they're not careful! Their patience will be very richly rewarded. Sagittarius thrives on change, on the new and the exciting and on the power of positive thought. Scorpio just wants to get closer and strengthen emotional ties. Early in the relationship, Sagittarius could feel hemmed in by Scorpio's rapt attention and high expectations for love. If Scorpio can control their emotions, these two are in for satisfaction and excitement. Both Scorpio and Sagittarius see each day as an adventure (or in Scorpio's case, a compelling mystery) and as an endless opportunity to explore, to probe, to learn. Shared escapades bring them closer. While Sagittarius may get fed up with Scorpio's stubbornness and inflexibility, Scorpio could be thinking their Sagittarius mate is just a little too hotheaded. They'll enjoy learning together, and travel could be very beneficial for this pair. Their relationship is always on the go! Pluto and Mars rule Scorpio, and Mars and Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter. Mars is the God of War, opening the door for Scorpio's determined, courageous character. Mars, when combined with Pluto, represents rebirth and renewal. Jupiter focuses on philosophy, higher learning, expansion, optimism, luck and travel. These planetary attributes--of growth, expansion and masculine energy--combine to create a sustainable relationship of mutual admiration.
Friday, September 21, 2007
This article is about mail mans and womans!! There's 700,000 people delivering mail everyday!!
In 300 job catergories position!!
At 38,000 post offices in the United States.
These are some jobs that would be available to work aas if were to get a job in a post office:
*Mail-procesing clerk
*Mail handler
*Sales, services, and distribution associate
yah, who wants to be a mail man??
In 300 job catergories position!!
At 38,000 post offices in the United States.
These are some jobs that would be available to work aas if were to get a job in a post office:
*Mail-procesing clerk
*Mail handler
*Sales, services, and distribution associate
yah, who wants to be a mail man??
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Early birds
This article is about Harvard, Princeton, and University of Virginia college. These colleges won't be taking any early appications because a big number of students stress to turn in their admission forms. That leaves some less- privileged student who have to fill out financial aid and wait a little longer. The student who don't have to worry about fill out those types of form know there is a good chance of getting accepted. And that leaves the other students who didn't get accepted looking into a few other colleges. The President of Harvard hopes by changing the policy it would be more fair and simiply for the school.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Clothing Business!!
This article is about a lady name Jenny Hwa. She designs clothes. yeah, by recycling her material. One of the material she recycle is bamboo. She learn from other clothing designers they don't help that environment they just abuse it. Her clothing company is located in New York City.
She doesn't waste money on imports all she need is old bamboo material and recycling it. Jenny has been doing that for 3 years now!! yeah that about it!!
She doesn't waste money on imports all she need is old bamboo material and recycling it. Jenny has been doing that for 3 years now!! yeah that about it!!
Monday, September 17, 2007
A Fine Mess
I was reading about mess. It telling me about messy people tend to have more time. And a neat person spends more time keep there surrounding neat, they don't foces on the important things.
Also messy people can get new ideas by looking through there pile of mess. The ideas could create something good and bad. Just by trying to find something in the messy it gives you memory of what happen with that object.
When your always neat you block out new opportunities to do something else. Like you could be doing cool if you were less neat.
Also messy people can get new ideas by looking through there pile of mess. The ideas could create something good and bad. Just by trying to find something in the messy it gives you memory of what happen with that object.
When your always neat you block out new opportunities to do something else. Like you could be doing cool if you were less neat.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
My Opinion
What I think about the websites we had visited, I think it was cool. I wouldn't have discovered them on my own. In photo shop you could change the faces of photos. There as lot of moves you had to remember to get the picture the way you want it. The French students showed me many times how to use the shortcuts to deleted, undo, and more.
One site we didn't get to was Pinick, I was thinking it was another cool site but, our computers didn't get throught the web. (LOL), web! Thats the website I would like to see.
I like my blog a lot because i could post my messages, post videos, post lyrics, and my pictures!! My blog is like a journal, because i always typing out my opinion or what I did over my weekend. This is all I got to say about My Opinion.
One site we didn't get to was Pinick, I was thinking it was another cool site but, our computers didn't get throught the web. (LOL), web! Thats the website I would like to see.
I like my blog a lot because i could post my messages, post videos, post lyrics, and my pictures!! My blog is like a journal, because i always typing out my opinion or what I did over my weekend. This is all I got to say about My Opinion.
Monday, August 20, 2007
My dislikes and likes about school!!

Everyones doesn't like school and everyone hates school. But we all have our reason why we do and don't. Sometimes we got issues that interfere and distracts us from our interests in school. But most of the time we all just want to hang out with friends. What do you hate about school?
First week of school
I liked my first week of school because i got to listen to my player almost all day, without teachers knowing. Also, I got to text on my free time during class. I still like the school because they are not that strict about bringing your electronics to school. Unlike other schools you can't bring them at all. We could still bring them on school campus. The school lets the students use there items between classes, and during lunch. Sometimes when we are finish with all our work. That what i think is cool about my school.
My Second week
I don't like my second week of school because I got adapted to my summer fun. I could do what ever i wanted to do. I liked it a lot, had my freedom for two months and i miss it already. Everyone misses there summer, because we didn't have to be told what to do. It's great at the same time because I'll I need is one more year in school, then I'm free! Yeah, the weeks are going by fast, and I can't wait to headed back to Safford where I spend my summer at.
My Third week
Everything now is going well, getting use to going to school. My plan is to forces on school, so i could get passing grades. With my free time I could do things like text, call, hang-out, sleep, watch T.V., walk around, go running, and have time fly by fast. I'm actually taking classes that would help me getting a good job in my future. I want to learn how to Weld and try it in real life. But what I want to major in is Dental assistant.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
My first blog
Hello, how are doing? My name is melissa tsinnijinnie. This is my first blog. yeah, you are welcome here to chat and share your music. Thank you good bye. LoL
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