Friday, September 28, 2007

Lights Camera ACtion

This article is about Video Resumes
It tell us that you could film your our interview an send it to your college. There are rules for these kind of things like you can't make the video likeyou make it for your friends it still has to be professional.
The next rule is they give you three minutes to make you quick interview.
Yeah you still got to be polite and give them a smile. Also, you got to remember that your showing your face ina interview.


Chocolate_Psycho! said...

...Great, You tell us this when I did an interview yesterday?
thanks lissy!!!!!!!........
and I work at a video store!


prpmeetsgbk said...

I wonder how I should keep that in mind.........I know I'll create a song! lol

You blog was alright.....and alright...

X to O,