Thursday, October 25, 2007

Where Do I Go With Speech and Debate?

Goverment Acting
These are the degrees you would need, If you want to be an actor you need
bachelor's degree, and master's degree a high school diploma, associate,
just to debate for what you think is and bachelor's degree. You got to
right. Present yourself in confidence to do
a good job.

Theres also
Sales, Broadcasting, Law, Speechwriting, Counseling, Library, Public Relations,
and Corporate Trainer.
These most of the career jobs that require getting these types of degrees,
High school diploma, associate degree, bachelor's degree, masters degree,
and Doctoral Degree.

1 comment:

Chocolate_Psycho! said...

Damn,....There goes my thoughts about acting.......shoot, I am so doom!
well thanks Lissy
That information sad-dens me
